Tuesday, September 30, 2014

*Project Teen Up - The Dreamer Boys*

Over at the Dreamer house
there are all kinds of cool things happening.

Darren has been getting promotions and pay raises like crazy!
He's not a Fortune Sim but he loves building up that bank account.

He also met someone through his job and fell in love!
Unlike Dina he doesn't want to rush things and is keeping
his romance on the back burner until the boys go to college.

And the boys have been getting their "promotions" too!

Darren likes to celebrate his promotions
and son's straight A report cards in the typical "manly" way -
by barbecuing some red meat! 
(Filet Mignon is their absolute favorite!)

Just like over at the Caliente house -
the time to Teen Up arrived and the boys couldn't have been
more ready or more excited about it!

I know it doesn't look like they're excited here - 
but they are!

First to Teen Up was Morti!

Then it was Trevor's turn!

Next to step up in front of the cake was Hunter!

Brad was eager to join his brothers!

None of the boys liked their Sim issue clothes
so the make-overs happened as soon as the birthday was polished off.
(And yes, they ate all FOUR cakes!)

The new Morti!

Trevor's new look!

And Hunter!

And lastly -
The new and improved Brad! 

And they celebrated in the usual "manly' way -
MORE Filet Mignon!

Can't Touch This!

Well, that's it for the Dreamer household.
(For now anyway)

But there are more Birthdays on the way -
next -
 the Una girls Teen Up!

Stay Tuned,...

*Music selection for this post-
"Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer