Life for Brad as a Caliente kid was pretty darned good.
Having Dina for a Mom made life very interesting
and one of her favorite things was to spoil Brad.
But not too much -
luckily Brad's childhood wasn't ruined with tons of useless material things.
But one thing's for sure -
Dina made sure Brad had some amazing adventures!
But unfortunately Dina always forgot her camera on her and Brad's adventures
or they were just too busy having a great time to stop and take pix.
And finding time for those adventures wasn't easy as Dina worked a LOT!
She put in long hours at the office and even worked into the wee hours of the
morning at home. Anything that needed to be done for her to make it to the top
of the Business career ladder, Dina made sure to do it!
But every Sunday she made time to be available for Brad.
One of her favorite things to do was whip up some fierce Bar-B-Q.

and served up some seriously fine gourmet meals and desserts!
Dina didn't like having to spend so much time away from Brad
but the quest to conquer the world of business was her lifelong dream.
By no means was Brad a lonely or bored kid when she was working -
his Aunt Nina was there and he LOTS of friends in the hood!
morning at home. Anything that needed to be done for her to make it to the top
of the Business career ladder, Dina made sure to do it!
But every Sunday she made time to be available for Brad.
One of her favorite things to do was whip up some fierce Bar-B-Q.

Time in the kitchen wasn't a luxury Dina could afford very often
but when she did have the time she put her excellent cooking skills to useand served up some seriously fine gourmet meals and desserts!
Dina didn't like having to spend so much time away from Brad
but the quest to conquer the world of business was her lifelong dream.
By no means was Brad a lonely or bored kid when she was working -
his Aunt Nina was there and he LOTS of friends in the hood!
One of his BEST buddies at home was his dog Snickers
that went from puppy to beautiful Collie dog.
And it didn't take long for Brad's kidhood to come an end.
And there was no way Dina would miss Brad's birthday.
She was there will bells on!
Nina made sure to be there too!
As satisfying as it was for Dina to get all the promotions
she found life was a bit lonely climbing the cooperate business ladder.
And I mean the kind of lonely
that comes with not having any romance in her life.
She adored spending time with Brad but as a teen he wasn't home a lot.
He was on most of the sports teams at school, had a part time job
and was also Class President.
Not to mention the lively social life he had with all his friends.
When Brad wasn't off at football practice, working or hanging out with his
very wide circle of friends, he was hitting the books hard,
making sure to get those top A+ grades.
Dina never allowed herself to feel down in the dumps
for long about not having a man in her life,
but she did hope the day would come where she would find
Mr. Right and give Brad some brothers and sisters.
And like life can be, when we least expect something -
that's when stuff happens!
It was a rare day off for Dina when Cupid decided it was time
to get out his bow and arrow and take aim.
And Dina fell madly in love with this Sim, Remington Harris, her maid.
It was a whirlwind romance!
Dina and Remington knew right off that they'd found the loves of their lives.
No one was surprised when the two of them tied the knot
in a quickie marriage ceremony during a weekend jaunt to Belladonna Cove.
And no one could be happier about their marriage than Brad.
He and Remington got along great
and he couldn't think of a better Sim to have as a dad.
Life was bliss for Dina and her new husband -
everyone approved and the future looked so bright,..
they all had to wear shades!
But there was someone that didn't like Dina with Remington.
And up until they got married this person had remained VERY quiet.
So quiet as a matter of fact, that everyone in the Caliente household
had completely forgot this person was there!
Guess you could say that as soon as Dina got married,
this particular individual did NOT want to "forever hold his peace".
And that particular individual is THIS Sim -
Dina's dead husband, Michael Bachelor.
And he didn't just roam around outside
He made himself very comfortable inside the house
Michael was NOT happy about Dina's sudden marriage to Remington
and he let everyone in the Caliente-Harris household know,
especially Remington!
Michael's ghostly shenanigans ended up being too much
for everyone in the house to handle, especially Remington as Michael
focused on popping out and scaring him the most.
And when Dina discovered her and Remington had a nooboo on the way
she decided it was time to rid their home of Michael's unhappy ghost.
She went with Nina to the Pleasantview Cemetery
and placed his his tombstone there.
It was a sad day but she needed to move on and having Michael's
angry ghost scaring the bajeebies out of everyone all the time
couldn't be tolerated, especially in regard to Remington.
Michael's ghost had turned her poor husband into a nervous wreck
and with their first child on the way
she had to bring some peace into their home.
It proved to be exactly what her family needed -
the absence of Michael's ghost was a welcome relief for ALL!
And just in time too -
Dina and Remington's first child was a boy!
Brad was THRILLED to have a little brother -
his name is Reggie!
And Brad was more than happy to be the cool big brother.
He had a little fun now and then teasing his younger sibling
but most of the time he liked teaching Reggie everything
he'd learned about being a popular Sim kid in the hood.
Reggie looked up to his older brother a lot
and he was really sad when Brad left for college.
Brad took to his college life on campus like a duck to water.
Sammy was in the same dorm along with 6 other Pleasantview students.
And this Sim, Airabella Simone.
Airabella caught Brad's eye immediately -
especially her beautiful violet eyes.
The proverbial girl-next-door type, (Family Sim),
Airabella is a Cancer with an LTW to reach her Golden Anniversary.
She was just as smitten with Brad as he was with her!!
and it didn't take long for the two of them to share their First Kiss.
Brad and Airabella did everything together!
But there is one thing they decided to NOT to do together
and that's woohoo.
Actually Brad was all for it but Airabella had made a vow
to "Wait until she got married" and Brad respected that.
And I think it might have possibly motivated him to do this
after one of their morning jogs together.
Brad and Airabella made the Dean's List
and graduated college with honors.
They were both anxious to get out there
and start living their lives as full fledged Sim adults!!
Airabella poofed into an adult first.
And then it was Brad's turn
Did Brad and Airabella get married after college?
Stay Tuned To Find Out!!