You have to be a very unique kind of kid to fit in with the Goth family.
They lived a rather eccentric, macabre kind of lifestyle
and not every kid would feel comfortable with that.
that they were very different from all the other families out there.
But for him, that just made being a Goth more special.

There was no where else Hunter would rather be!
He wasn't even bothered, (too much), by the ghosts
that roamed around the grounds.
To live in the Goth mansion you just had to get used
to being greeted by the ghosts every time you went outside at night.
For Cassandra, adopting Hunter helped fill that deep, dark hole
that was left in her heart after Don Lothario dumped her at the alter.
Having Hunter to mother gave her something more worthwhile
to do with her time instead of stalking Don.
When it came to her career Cassandra gave it her all
and worked extra hard at becoming a Criminal Mastermind.
And all that hard work paid off too -
she found herself at the top of the criminal career real quick!
But as much as she LOVED her job,
she hated that it took her away from Hunter every night.
Hunter did okay when Cassandra went to work.
He'd formed a strong bond with Alexander and even though he was
Hunter's uncle, they thought of themselves more as brothers.
But unfortunatly Alexander's days were numbered as a kid.
Not long after Hunter joined the family the day arrived for him to teen up!
Things didn't change between Hunter after Alexander teened up -
they were just as tight as ever and it didn't bother Alexander at all
that his kid nephew tagged along with him everywhere.
Morti moved out shortly after Alexander teened up
but it didn't stop Morti and Hunter from remaining close.
Morti came over for dinner often and he was always ready for a game of darts!
When his birthday rolled around Hunter was super excited -
teening up meant he'd be just like Alexander!
Unfortunately Cassandra missed the celebration because she had to work.
Hunter was okay with his mom not being there, he was used to it.
Hunter was just happy to be a teenager and he was
really looking forward do being able to do all the stuff teens do!
Since Cassandra had to work so much Alexander and Hunter
had to fend for themselves every night .
Alexander did all the cooking -
his LTW was to be a Celebrity Chef.
He was a very good cook too and the two of them enjoyed
having the mansion to themselves and eating whatever they wanted.
One of their favorite things to talk about were the great jobs
they were going to have after graduating college.
Hunter's LTW was to be a Mad Scientist.
But that wasn't all Hunter and Alexander liked to talk about -
they talked about girls too!
A lot of Pleasantview girls had a crush on Alexander!
He was BFF'S with Lucy Burb and she came over to visit often.
But their friendship never went beyond that.
When the day arrived for Alexander to leave for college
Hunter did his best to not show how bummed out he was.
With Alexander gone the big Goth mansion got real empty
and Hunter found himself feeling pretty darned lonely, especially at night .
But he wasn't the only kid in the house for long.
On her way out to stalk Don Lothario on her day off
Cassandra met this Sim that was walking by the mansion.
His name was Bill Riley and he was quick to strike up a conversation.
Long story short, the two of them got along real well
and it was the beginning of a much needed friendship for Cassandra.
But that's all it would ever be -
as much as Bill and Cassandra liked each other, they weren't
interested in being together romantically.
But it didn't stop them from being "Friends with benefits"
and next thing Cassandra knew, she was pregnant with Bill's nooboo.
Hunter was thrilled to have a little brother!
And his name is Boris.
Having a little brother was really cool and Hunter spent
as much time with Boris that he could.
Cassandra was home more too.
As much as she loved her job, she discovered that being
with her sons was more important and also more enjoyable!
When Boris poofed into a kid he looked just like his mother!
Hunter really liked how his little brother thought
he was the smartest (and coolest), teenager in Pleasantview
and one of the first games he taught Boris to play was chess.
A Knowledge Sim, Boris turned out to be quite the amazing genius!
And even though Hunter was the one who taught Boris how to play,
no matter how hard he tried he just couldn't beat his little brother at chess.
Life in the Goth mansion was busy and it was also interesting -
they never knew what Boris was goin to talk about at the dinner table.
Hunter loved being a member of the Goth family
and as much as he was looking forward to going to college,
he felt sad about having to leave his mom and little brother.
And that's what Hunter did -
he joined Alexander on campus and started a whole
new life as a young adult!
Next Up -
Jess Cameron!
*Music for this post -
"Plush" by Stone Temple Pilots